Katie Stone PA
Education business services for time-poor edupreneurs
Welcome, oh busy edupreneur (what’s an edupreneur? I’m glad you asked - if you have an education business and you see yourself as an entrepreneur - guess what? You’re an edupreneur. Clever, no?)
You're in the right place if...
🫵🏼 You own a small business that is in the education sector - if you consider yourself to be an educator or work with/for educators, this is a good place to be.
🫵🏼 You’re probably doing this solo - or with a very small team.
🫵🏼 You’re ideas-rich but time-poor - SO many things to do, but not enough hours in the day to do them!
🫵🏼 You’re in the market for education business admin services - a team who can take the time-consuming admin off your plate so that you can focus on the stuff that's going to help your business to GROW.
Hi! My name's Katie
I’m a proud Mancunian who now lives and works in deepest, darkest South Shropshire with just my family (husband, two furry feral people and a cat), tractors and a load of sheep for company.
I was a TA and then a teacher for over a decade, working with primary school children - my favourite year group was Early Years and Key Stage 1. I left teaching because my family was growing (the second furry, feral thing was on it’s way) and the demands of a 70 hour working week (and a huge amount of travel because nothing is nearby in the country) just didn’t align. I suffered a panic attack while driving (and pregnant) and the decision was made for me - I was out. If you’re interested in the story of my exit from teaching, I did a podcast with the lovely Jo Howard.
During the first Covid lockdown, I set up Katie Stone PA, and my business journey began! Since then I’ve worked with many education businesses, helping their owners to achieve balance, systematise and grow. I love providing education business services to anyone who needs them!
In 2023 I started expanding the team, with the main goal of working with other people who had been teachers, or had worked in another way in the UK education sector. I’ve been thrilled with the results, because adding people with different skill sets to the team has meant we’ve been able to broaden our range of services - we now have social media managers, copywriters, and editors as well as amazing administrators - it’s a win for everyone!
Get to the good stuff
If you’re too busy to take in our life stories () and are actually here to find out how we can help you, take a look below and choose the option that sounds most like you:
Virtual Assistant Support Services
- I’m sinking in a pile of fiddly business admin like inboxes, invoicing, arrangements, scheduling and other such terribly boring things that I didn’t start my business to deal with. Could you be a dear and help me out?
Social Media Support Services
- My social media is taking over my life! It takes me ages to work out what to write, let alone how to write it and what to do about hashtags and pictures. I want a magic social media fairy to come in and tell me what to do - or even better, do it all for me.
Email Marketing & Automation Support
- I know email marketing is important, but I haven’t got time to grow a list, let alone send out a weekly newsletter. The idea of setting up automations to deal with ecommerce, memberships or even just a welcome sequence blows my mind! Can you build me some automated systems that will grow and scale along with my business?